
Transformative redesign of Axure RP

The challenge was to lead a transformative redesign of Axure RP 10, focusing on enhancing usability, workflow, and feature set. This involved a comprehensive reevaluation of the existing tool to address user experience issues while aligning with Axure's future product vision and strategy. The project scope involved leading the product design of Axure RP 10, focusing on a ground-up redesign to enhance usability, workflow, and features.

This included conducting a complete audit of existing features, user research to identify user experience issues, developing a future product vision and strategy, and implementing new product features while sunsetting outdated ones.As the hands-on VP of Product Design, my role was to lead the product design efforts for Axure RP 10. This involved working closely with the founders to develop and refine the product's vision and strategy, leadingthe redesign process, and ensuring the product met our goals for improvement and innovation.

Axure Application Design


The primary goals were to refine and simplify the core product to improve user experience, while also developing additional products for new and existing customers. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) focused on usability improvements, successful integration of new features, user satisfaction, and adoption rates of Axure RP 10.

Initial Plan

The initial plan included a complete audit of existing features, followed by user research to identify major user experience issues. This was balanced with a roadmap outlining new product features and the phasing out of some outdated items. A significant part of the plan was to explore UX concepts and unify common UI patterns across the application.

Exploring User Research

User pain points and problems were explored through comprehensive user research, which involved analyzing feedback and identifying the biggest areas of user experience issues. This allowed us to prioritize the redesign and development efforts effectively.

Insights gained from user research and testing revealed specific usability and workflow challenges within the application. These insights were crucial in guiding the redesign process, particularly in simplifying workflows and improving the overall user experience.Insights were turned into features or product ideas through a collaborative process with the product team, involving the exploration of UX concepts and the development of prototypes. New features were built into prototypes and tested with users, integrating the learnings to refine the product continually.Ideas were tested through the development and testing of prototypes with users. This iterative process involved integrating feedback, retesting, and making necessary adjustments to ensure the features and improvements met user needs and expectations.

Axure Interactions UX/UI

Changes Along the Way

Throughout the project, changes were made to simplify and clean up confusing workflows, based on user feedback and testing results. This included sunsetting outdated items and focusing on a design system that facilitated the reuse of common UI elements across the application.

Final Product Performance (KPIs)

The final product, Axure RP 10, delivered significant improvements in usability, workflow, and features, maintaining its position as a powerful tool in the space while becoming easier to learn for newcomers. The success of the final product was measured through improved user satisfaction, increased adoption rates, and positive feedback on the usability and features of Axure RP 10.

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