How to Run a UX Brainstorming Session: Key Strategies for Success

Robert Gourley Unsplash

Running a User Experience (UX) brainstorming session is a critical aspect of the design process. A great brainstorming session help design teams to generate innovative ideas to solve complex product problems. By sticking to the principles of deferring judgment and seeking quantity, successful brainstorming sessions can be a powerful tool to foster creativity and engage your design team. This guide provides a step-by-step approach on how to effectively run a UX brainstorming meeting, from planning stages to follow-up actions, including tips to maximize productivity and creativity.

Step 1: Deciding on the Type of Session

Determine whether the brainstorming will be done in group or individual sessions. The decision should be based on the team's dynamics and the nature of the problem at hand.

Step 2: Defining the Problem

Clearly articulate the problem that the session is designed to solve. Set specific boundaries and conditions to focus ideas towards solving the defined problem.

Step 3: Choosing a Brainstorming Method

Select a suitable brainstorming technique that encourages the free flow of ideas. Different techniques can stimulate diverse perspectives and can lead to innovative solutions. Some popular methods include:

  • "Six Thinking Hats" Method: This technique involves adopting different roles to stimulate diverse ideas. Each 'hat' represents a different direction of thinking, allowing team members to consider the problem and potential solutions from various angles.
  • Walt Disney's Creative Strategy: This method separates the roles of the dreamer, realist, and critic to prevent the suppression of ideas. It encourages individuals to freely dream of solutions (the dreamer), plan out how to make those dreams come true (the realist), and constructively critique the plans (the critic).
  • SCAMPER: This stands for Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Modify, Put to another use, Eliminate, and Reverse. This technique involves questioning the problem or the solutions to generate fresh ideas. Each letter of SCAMPER provides a new angle to look at the problem from, forcing you to think differently about it.

Step 4: Gathering the Right Team

The team should be diverse to generate a wide array of ideas. Consider the unique skills and perspectives of each member during the team selection process.

Step 5: Setting Clear Agendas and Time Constraints

Establish a clear agenda and time constraints to keep the session focused and efficient. Also, encourage wild ideas but maintain a judgment-free environment to promote the free flow of ideas.

Step 6: Warming Up

Start the session with warm-up exercises to stimulate creative thinking. These could be simple games or challenges that promote lateral thinking.

Step 7: Setting Ground Rules

Establish ground rules for a respectful and inclusive brainstorming environment. Every idea should be considered equally, and there should be no premature judgement or criticism of ideas.

Step 8: Documenting the Session

Document all the ideas during the session, even those that might seem irrelevant or unfeasible at first. A digital summary of the ideas can be useful for future reference.

Step 9: Setting Follow-Up Actions

Conclude the session by setting follow-up actions. This could include setting next steps, assigning tasks, or scheduling additional brainstorming sessions.

Tips for Effective UX Brainstorming

  • Start at the end and work backward: By focusing on the ultimate goal first, you can identify all necessary steps to reach it.
  • Prioritize harder tasks first: Tackling the most challenging or time-consuming tasks first can boost productivity and motivation.
  • Group similar tasks: Organize tasks based on similarity, deadline, priority, assignment, or type to enhance focus and save time.
  • Utilize templates: Online templates can help in breaking down tasks and staying organized, possibly uncovering overlooked aspects.
  • Employ collaboration tools: Use project management tools for efficient communication and organization among team members. They can help in breaking down tasks into subtasks, assigning roles, and tracking progress.