Design Mind Newsletter

Welcome to Design Mind, a no-fluff, straight-talking newsletter focused on all things design. Curated by Rob Gourley, a seasoned professional with over two decades of industry experience, Design Mind seeks to cut through the noise and bring real, practical insights straight to your inbox.

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As a subscriber, you'll get unrestricted access to all Design Mind content. You won’t have to worry about missing anything - every new edition of the newsletter, loaded with insights on design trends, strategies, systems, and AI, goes directly to your inbox.

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The world of design is dynamic and evolving. With Design Mind, you'll stay on the cutting edge of trends and discussions that are shaping the field. You'll receive a regular dose of fresh, relevant content that keeps you informed and inspired.

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Be part of a growing community of design enthusiasts, professionals, and learners. As part of Design Mind, you'll be able to engage with like-minded individuals, share your thoughts, ask questions, and grow together in a vibrant, interactive environment.

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